Lisa D. Clark, Instructor of Teacher Education, Mathematics and Computer Education; Raquel Bennett, Director of Associate of Arts Teacher Education Program/Assessment Coordinator, Medgar Evers College of the City, University of New York, USA

The purpose of this study is to explore the wealth of experienced teachers, willing to retool, as a resource for addressing teacher shortages. Studies have been conducted on emerging technologies and their applications in educational settings. Technologies such as smart boards, learning content management systems and pod casting were developed within the past fifteen years. All of them are applications of technology integration which can serve as multimedia tools for teachers preparing students for commencement. The literature included extensive discussions of new technologies with applications for use in the classroom environment. Organizations have documented standards for the integration of technologies into instructional design. Extensive reviews of distance learning have been included in the standards. There is a breadth of literature on professional development for teachers in a new environment. There is very little research on teachers, with five or more years of classroom experience, adjusting their implementation of instruction to the changing needs of student populations. There is also limited study of the recertification and skill upgrades for experienced teachers. This proposed study is designed to address these issues.

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